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  Re: LEGO museum in Ohio?
(...) I stumbled upon this very cool museum a few weeks ago, while traveling for work. They hadn't yet opened for the season, but luckily my job brought me back to the area a week later, and I was able to take a sprinting tour on my lunch break. (...) (2 years ago, 30-May-23, to, lugnet.general, FTX)
  The #OBBCSL 'Mini Movie'!
Here it is! My friend (who works in 'the biz') got some 'studio time' booked at his shop and we set up the #OBBCSL. He set up the lighting and the screens and I set up the layout. He originally thought about 'green (...) (3 years ago, 13-Jun-22, to lugnet.announce,,,
  #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment
I had the opportunity to set up the #OBBCSL in a studio environment and get it professionally filmed today. This is a quick vid I made with my cell phone at one point. Hope you like it! Dave K (3 years ago, 5-Jun-22, to lugnet.announce,,,
  I'm doing a show!
It's been so long since I've done an actual show! I'll be setting up the #OBBCSL at the Canadian Toy Collector's Society's show! Location and time information - May 22, 2022 Etobicoke Olympium 590 Rathburn Rd. Etobicoke, (Toronto) Ontario, Canada (...) (3 years ago, 17-May-22, to lugnet.announce,,

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