Yesterday (Friday, March 28th) I was flipping radio stations in the car and
managed to catch a snip of some sort of 'Sports Event' promotion this
weekend at Legoland. One of the local radio stations was giving away tickets
for it. So I called LLCA today and found out that they are having a
celebration with 'SDSU month'. This is taking place today (right now
actually) from 11-4pm. The SDSU marching band is going to be there, and it
sounded like they were having sports events for the kids like they had with
the Soccer Challenge a few months back. There are also supposed to be some
SDSU 'stars' there like Marshal Faulk.
What gets me about this is that there was no notification to passholders.
Had I known about this we would have gone up there today. The person at
customer service I spoke to said the event was only put into place a few
weeks ago and there was no time to send out flyers. But he was not sure why
there was no mention on the web about it.
This event is not part of the sports center that is opening up in April.
This is a completely separate event.
So did anybody go to it? How was it?
Mark P
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: SDSU Event at Legoland CA
| It wasn't even talked about at SDSU, as far as I can tell as my daughter goes there and knows what a LEGO-maniac I am and would have been there! Hopefully, LEGO-CA doesn't consider the event "not successful" if there is limited attendance since they (...) (22 years ago, 29-Mar-03, to lugnet.legoland.california)
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