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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 3577
3576  |  3578
Re: what makes a legend?
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 20:22:57 GMT
1110 times
In, Matt Hein writes:
Well, I would think it to be a good idea if LEGO released accessory kits to
go along with the legend theme. The voting thing is okay, but I'm looking
for a re-release of a classic space set and more castle sets! Anyways, keep
it up! You're doing a great job!

Actually, it would be cool if along with the Ledgends sets there were
acessory packs created at the same time as the sets.  For example, if there
were pieces in some older sets that weren't used in newer sets, but the
molds still exist, the acessory pack could contain those very hard to find
pieces.  Also, if parts had to be made in colors that don't exist today,
they could be in the acessory pack too.

One of the pieces I'd *really* like to see come back is the Blacktron II
MMU/jetpack (they look roughly like the MMU's which were tested by shuttle
astronauts for flying away from the shuttle without a tether).  Anyway, take
a look at some pictures of Blacktron II sets and you'll see what I mean.  If
this piece were brought back in a Ledgends set, it would be even more
exciting to me if I could also buy more of the BtII MMU's in an acessory
pack.  I'd really like to buy enough of these pieces to build a military
shuttle with space Marines in the payload bay as seen in the James Bond film
Moonraker.  :-)

Ledgends parts packs!  Cool idea!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: what makes a legend?
(...) Something like the one in this set: (URL)? Steve (who woulda been *really* ecstatic if 6457 had included the female astronaut face) Bliss (23 years ago, 26-Oct-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: what makes a legend?
Well, I would think it to be a good idea if LEGO released accessory kits to go along with the legend theme. The voting thing is okay, but I'm looking for a re-release of a classic space set and more castle sets! Anyways, keep it up! You're doing a (...) (23 years ago, 20-Oct-01, to

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