Re: what makes a legend?
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:56:28 GMT
947 times
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In, Kevin Wilson writes:
> My vote for sets.. would be a better selection of bulk bricks and parts :-)
> Seriously though, <consults 90/91/92 S@H catalogs and LUGNET database> I
> would love to see some of the Nautica sets (6542 Launch & Load Seaport, 6541
> Intercoastal seaport)...
Great ideas! ...Although if they ran Nautica sets I would be bankrupt
within a month... <silly grimace>... ...On the otherhand, I knew there
was a reason I haven't spent money on the Metroliner yet. Ah, if only my
harbor could have yet another crane... :)
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 | | Re: what makes a legend?
| Brad Justus wrote in message ... (...) <snip> (...) are (...) we -- (...) details? I agree with those who have written that the spirit of the set is more important than the details of individual parts. Specifically, I don't care about the metal (...) (23 years ago, 20-Oct-01, to
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