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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 3500
3499  |  3501
Re: what makes a legend?
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 03:16:27 GMT
925 times
Geoffrey Hyde <> wrote:

How does not having the mold for an element affect it's reproducibility?

Lego Direct cannot, as a matter of policy, create new molds for its sets,
so it has a big impact.  (This is a totally different restriction than that
of using existing molds with new colors, as has already been done in LD

One specific case that was mentioned but not discussed further is that of
classic space helmets.  Would a Galaxy Explorer with the newer-style,
swept-back space/town helmets have the same "feel", or do the more retro-70s
bullet-type helmets add to the nostalgia rating?

I am also very curious whether the "classic" windows are a potential obstacle
to any set reproduction, although realistically the percentage of sets that
contain them and would serious contenders for reproduction is probably
relatively small.

Barb & Steve Demlow  |  |

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: what makes a legend?
(...) Actually, I recall trying to adapt different helmet and hairstyles to older sets, and I have sometimes found that they did not fit. Certain hairstyles in Town can only be used in vehicles that have sunroofs or no roof, and in Space certain (...) (23 years ago, 23-Oct-01, to
  Re: what makes a legend?
(...) Pardon me, but how do you know this? I'd like to see a reference for this statement. Has Brad, or someone else, stated this emphatically somewhere before? -- Hop-Frog (23 years ago, 24-Oct-01, to
  Re: what makes a legend?
(...) My suggestion was to use the newer-style space/town helmet with a clear visor. The old, non-visor, helmets are a more retro look, but they were *very* fragile. I think less than half of my old style helmets survived. The thin piece below the (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: what makes a legend?
"Brad Justus" <> wrote in message [snip] (...) we're (...) order (...) plates, (...) of (...) different (...) so (...) How does not having the mold for an element affect it's reproducibility? I would (...) (23 years ago, 20-Oct-01, to

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