RE: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
|, lugnet.cad
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 22:11:31 GMT
10417 times
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> > Surely a beter soloution for TLC/TLG is to liase with the part authours in
> > getting 'offical' parts added to the library qucikly. Maybe even suppourting
> > the further devlopment of L-Draw/MLCad and related products.
> Now *there's* an idea I can get behind, and fully support.
How far we have come along in a year.....
I can remember Michael Lachmann's post (and I'm paraphrasing) where he
wanted to look for a robotics application to program now that MLCad
was stable :-)
Many of us (myself included) encouraged Michael to polish MLCad into
the gem that it is today, and I have to believe that some of that
effort is going to come back to him soon.
I do not know the inner workings of TLG, but I get the following
impressions from reading posts and news releases...
1. TLG is consolidating manufacturing to reduce overhead
2. TLG is getting rid of unpopular lines (ZNAP, some of the software)
I personally like ZNAP...
3. TLG is partnering with established software vendors to release
better software.
4. TLG is tapping the AFOL market to find individuals with a passion
for the brick.
This can only be good for our community. MLCad is a really good bit of
software, and it would only be good business for LEGO to buy the product,
hire Michael and a few other AFOLs, and spin out a great CAD program.
They are just figuring out now that the Web makes it easy to release
and that the marketing effort required is MUCH smaller than what it used to
The precedent for this is Palm Computing's purchase of the CodePilot
This is a program that takes a binary image from a Palm device and simulates
on the PC. It was developed by a hobbyist, became the defacto standard for
development, and then Palm bought it because they could not duplicate
it for anywhere near what they would pay for it.
So, if LEGO is listening, and I _know_ they are, this is the real dawn
of the new millenium! Welcome!
Ralph Hempel - P.Eng
Check out pbFORTH for LEGO Mindstorms at:
Buy "Extreme Mindstorms: an Advanced Guide to Lego Mindstorms"
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