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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 1407
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Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
Newsgroups:, lugnet.cad
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 18:23:12 GMT
10428 times
In, Farlie A wrote:

Surely a beter soloution for TLC/TLG is to liase with the part authours in
getting 'offical' parts added to the library qucikly. Maybe even suppourting
the further devlopment of L-Draw/MLCad and related products.

Now *there's* an idea I can get behind, and fully support.



Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
"Steve Bliss" <> wrote in message (...) I'm behind that one too. :-) -- Tim Courtney - (URL) - Centralized LDraw Resources (URL) - Zacktron Alliance ICQ: 23951114 - AIM: (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to, lugnet.cad)
  Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
"Steve Bliss" <> wrote in message (...) A more serious analysis would conclude that TLC could do something better themselves, but as of yet we don't know their exact intentions with this software (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to, lugnet.cad)
  RE: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
(...) How far we have come along in a year..... I can remember Michael Lachmann's post (and I'm paraphrasing) where he wanted to look for a robotics application to program now that MLCad was stable :-) Many of us (myself included) encouraged Michael (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to, lugnet.cad)
  RE: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
(...) How far we have come along in a year..... I can remember Michael Lachmann's post (and I'm paraphrasing) where he wanted to look for a robotics application to program now that MLCad was stable :-) Many of us (myself included) encouraged Michael (...) (24 years ago, 8-Dec-00, to, lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
In additon to your comments the page syas something about Issue #1. Perhaps Lego took up the idea a fan- web zine? (after all the non-action when I tired to get an independent one started :-) !!) In regard to 3D Moddeler software, Why do we need yet (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to

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