In lugnet.lego.direct, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > [1] http://news.lugnet.com/org/dates
> May I suggest: Be more specific in your statement!
> Something like "if you wandered in here from the pressrelease <backlink>,
> that list is incomplete and may be out of date, click on the globe for a
> complete list"
> Journalists aren't always the greatest at connecting dots and drawing
> inferences, especially if they are rushed. Do their homework for them (this
> is a special case of "don't do people's homework for them" :-) ) as if you
> don't, you get burned. That's been my experience.
Good idea!
[xfut => lugnet.org]
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
| (...) Something like "if you wandered in here from the pressrelease <backlink>, that list is incomplete and may be out of date, click on the globe for a complete list" Journalists aren't always the greatest at connecting dots and drawing inferences, (...) (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to lugnet.lego.direct)
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