Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 17:01:01 GMT
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In, Mike Stanley writes:
> So? If you "prize" these things for the reason I do, that you LOVE them,
> how could it be a bad thing to have them become available again?
> I value pitchforks pretty darn highly. I love the part and I wish I could
> have 10,000 of them. But it would be silly of me to wish that they wouldn't
> make them available again.
> The only reasons I can imagine someone would want some parts to not be
> available ever again is that a) they hope their rare stuff continues to
> increase in value because they have hopes of selling it someday (not
> necessarily a bad thing, but not worthy of excluding everyone else from
> them) or b) they just plain want to have stuff they think is "special" even
> if it means denying those things to lots of other people.
> I know it probably won't happen, but I say produce ALL the old cool elements
> that are no longer available.
> I'll happily buy my 10,000 pitchforks and
> lots of other people can get some for themselves, and the only people who
> won't benefit are the ones who won't get to sell them for $2-$10 each anymore.
Well said! With the introduction of the Mickey Mouse sets, some Fabuland
elements which had been near impossible to find much less afford became
both available and affordable. It is a glorious feeling to have some
elements that I thought I would never even see in person much less possess.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
| (...) So? If you "prize" these things for the reason I do, that you LOVE them, how could it be a bad thing to have them become available again? I value pitchforks pretty darn highly. I love the part and I wish I could have 10,000 of them. But it (...) (24 years ago, 7-Dec-00, to
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