"James Powell" <wx732@freenet.victoria.bc.ca> wrote in message
> In lugnet.general, Jon D. Hayward writes:
> > ...so how come one of these went out on eBay on September 5 - see:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=430094179&ed=9688106 8
> > 1 ?
> >
> > The picture and text match the info on the LEGO site! Am I missing something
> > here?!?
> Simple, look at the shipping date, it is one of the #$!@@#$#@$ who resells
> stuff right out of the S@H catalog.
...but was this information generally available back then, or was this
'leaked' (or sumfink)?
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