In lugnet.lego, Ken Nagel wrote:
In lugnet.lego, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
LUGNET doesnt (yet) have threadlocking. But I personally (and this is not a
statement of policy, I am not wearing my hat) wish we did. Because if we
did, Id lock this thread so fast it would make your head spin. There is
NOTHING useful happening here (except for the part where we say what a great
guy Dave is, which in the long term is bad for Daves ability to get through
doorways) any more.
Agree to disagree and move on. Talk about something else. Thats just a
request at this point. Its not yet a formal request from the Admins but why
Funny that the only people Ive met that want to put on their brown shirts and
jack boots and squash free speech and disscussion of the companys health seem
to be on the company can do no wrong path.-Ken
Youve crossed the line again, Ken. You need to remember that LUGNET is a
privately-owned resource and not a pulpit for you to denigrate and demean
people you disagree with. Larry, as a LUGNET staff member, has the right and
responsibility to tell you to tone it down when you go too far.
So Ill ask you once: stop the personal slights and snide riffs. They do you
and this community no good.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
| (...) First off I've said nothing about anyone personal. For some reason my asking a simple question hits home personaly with some. Not my fault though. Second I only stated a fact as I've experienced it. There are those on the company can do no (...) (20 years ago, 27-Dec-04, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
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