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Re: 10152 Update
Mon, 20 Dec 2004 11:08:15 GMT
! (details)
8081 times
Hi all,


I would like to mention a fact to this issue, which might help to understand the annoyance of nearly all German AFOLs (here on LUGNET and on (see:

In Germany, the set was actually announced as limited. The official announcement of LEGO Direct (Jan Beyer) is here:

There’s the sentence: “Die Auflage dieses Sets ist ebenfalls begrenzt, es gibt insgesamt 14.000 Stck.” Translation: “The edition of this set is likewise limited, there is a total of 14,000 copies”

As you can see, there’s is a significant difference between the translated sentence and how Jake announced the set (“This is a small run too - only 14,000 total”)


The set was sold at SaH Germany saying “Dieses ist deine letzte Chance Maersk blaue Steine zu kaufen”. Translation: “This is your last chance to buy Maersk blue bricks”

Well, it seems that it was not the last chance. It doesn’t matter whether there’s a momentous reason for bringing Maersk blue back or not and I don’t want to discuss this reason. But interesting to know might be the fact, that we have several laws in Germany that shall protect the consumers. One of these is called “gesetzliche Gewährleistung” (loose translation: guarantee by law). It says (among other things), that one can return a product within two(!) years, as soon as the characteristics of a product became different to what they were at the time of buying (except wear and tear of course). So everybody could return their 10152s, even if they were opened. Again: I don’t want to discuss whether that’s good or bad, it’s just as it is.


Most people with no or less symphaties for collectors call them speculators and money-hunters. That’s just not fair and testifies to jealousy. One can collect things without having the $-signs in mind and I know many serious collectors who wouldn’t ever call their collections an “investment”.

Plus: Since the early eighties, TLC forces the idea of a collectible. Once a slogan for the Castle line was: “LEGO Burg. Zum Bauen, Spielen und Sammeln!” Translation: “LEGO Castle. Build, Play and Collect!”

Leg Godt!


Message has 3 Replies:
  Interesting point of view, Rene!
Well, the combination of non-adherence to advertised values of the product and the legal endowment to return an item for refund if it does not match previously promised core properties could really lead to a case here (IMHO, IANAL). At the end of (...) (20 years ago, 20-Dec-04, to
  Re: 10152 Update
(...) Guten Tag, Rene! Hope fatherhood is treating you well:^D Thanks for bringing this into the discussion. It seems this information makes the case a little stronger against TLC. It's simply reckless and dishonest to advertise in this manner, IMO. (...) (20 years ago, 20-Dec-04, to, FTX)
  Re: 10152 Update: What has TLC to do to bring YOU up against them?
In, René Hoffmeister wrote: Dear René, thanks for bringing these postings into the debate. Facts are: LEGO gave a promise and broke it (because they think they can generate profit out of this decision). Fact number 2 is: lots of people (...) (20 years ago, 20-Dec-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  10152 Update
All, As the saying goes... I have some good news and some bad news about the 10152 Maersk ship. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post an update. We've been working on a number of things surrounding this set. As you certainly recall, the situation (...) (20 years ago, 18-Dec-04, to,, FTX) !! 

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