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 LEGO Company / 2557
    Re: launches... and it's big! —Kelly McKiernan
   (...) The competition has two age groups, under 13 and 13 and over (Junior and Senior). The finals will have 10 Grand Prize winners: 8 juniors and 2 seniors. They're wisely seeding it so the kids don't get trounced by the adults. And they're making (...) (20 years ago, 10-Nov-04, to, FTX)
        Re: launches... and it's big! —Allan Bedford
   (...) I agree. I think it's absolutely fantastic that they've included a Senior category (...) I'm hoping to do so, but am still struggling with the LDD software. :( Best regards, Allan B. (20 years ago, 10-Nov-04, to, FTX)

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