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Re: Friday morning question: How are the AFOLs comics working?
Mon, 6 Sep 2004 08:32:01 GMT
4191 times
Jake McKee wrote:
How are the AFOLs working out?
Not yet due to unavailability. ;-)

You talked about translating that comic in other languages. When you
published the first beta, I offered myself to translate this comic into
German. Just as a reminder, this offer ist still open.

Yours, Christian

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  Friday morning question: How are the AFOLs comics working?
I'm just preparing for a team update meeting at the end of the month and had an open question for your all. How are the AFOLs working out? How are you using them? Are they interesting to "sleeper" AFOLs? Have you heard any stories about how they (...) (21 years ago, 3-Sep-04, to,

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