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Re: Color Change - Final Update
Wed, 5 May 2004 17:24:39 GMT
700 times
In lugnet.general, Ted Michon wrote:

Very good news! Thanks. Light and dark grays are our favorite colors for making large real-world models. Here is what would keep us building for a long time to come in dark gray:
  • 1x1 bricks
  • 1x2 bricks
  • 1x3 bricks
  • 1x4 bricks
  • 1x6 bricks
  • 1x8 bricks
  • 1x1 plates
  • 1x2 plates
  • 1x3 plates
  • 1x4 plates
  • 1x6 plates
  • 1x8 plates
  • 2x2 plates
  • 2x3 plates
  • 2x4 plates
  • 2x6 plates
  • 2x8 plates
  • 4x4 plates
  • 4x6 plates
  • 4x8 plates
  • all tiles including 2x2 round
  • 1x4 plate hinge
  • 1x4 brick hinge
  • 8x8 modified plate grille
  • RR track straight, curve, cross, switches
  • 1x2s with horizontal grooves on one side and vertical grooves on the other
  • 1x1 headlight bricks
  • all Technic Bricks (1x1 through 1x16)
  • all straight lift arms
  • 1x1 round plates
  • 1x1 round bricks
  • 2x2 round plates
  • 2x2 round bricks
Considering there are 3,500+ elements out there, this is a pretty short list!

My concern: We buy 10s of thousands of new bricks each year, but mostly on Bricklink. The promise of “bulk” buying from LEGO Direct never materialized -- not for those of us who think “bulk” starts at 1000 pieces. (I have bought as many as 3000 2x4 dark gray plates at one time). If these limited edition old gray parts are only made available via S@H at current retail prices, then to me it’s like they don’t exist. Why not recognize that since this is going to be a niche/specialty product that it can be sold in lots big enough that let you get the price down? Perhaps you could just accept quarterly automated orders in units of 1K or 10K pieces and build-them-to-order. Perhaps LUGNET or ILTCO or a “blessed” few BrickLink stores could handle aggregating orders from the small fry.

Thanks for staying with this!

Check out our latest dark gray creation at{E6998D92-8EBF-4CEA-BD33-050A2D810DF7} We thought it might be our last large dark gray construction, but now maybe not.

This assembly of structures is captioned “Ode to Dark Grey”{9E125241-7BA2-4CA6-BFAD-D5495893B0CE}


First- a “thank you” to Jake for giving us this update.

What Ted has said here matches my thoughts. For my creations, plain o’l retangular sizes are what matter to me the most. As long as I can get the old color, I’m happy.

The detailing parts question- let those who use them most often decide.

(Heck, Ted was show’n the dark grey)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Color Change - Final Update
Jake- Very good news! Thanks. Light and dark grays are our favorite colors for making large real-world models. Here is what would keep us building for a long time to come in dark gray: 1x1 bricks 1x2 bricks 1x3 bricks 1x4 bricks 1x6 bricks 1x8 (...) (21 years ago, 5-May-04, to lugnet.general,, FTX)

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