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 Inventories / *350 (-10)
  Re: peeron inventory
(...) I will defer to you memory. The reason I listed that is that I have the 856 and the 951. These are the same sets and I bought mine and opened it, but never put it together. Neither the 856 I got on ebay nor the 951 purchased by me had the (...) (18 years ago, 6-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv)
  Peeron inventory
Thursday Apr 5 364-1: Harbour Scene: My copy of the instructions is in poor shape. But in the set I have 24 of 3010 red Brick 1x4 not 25 and 20 of 3004 red brick 1x2 not 18. This was what was in my set and best I could tell by building this. missing (...) (18 years ago, 6-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv)
  Re: peeron inventory
Hello, In set 8851 you are talking about parts needed to be able to build in a motor. Ok, I remember there were these extra parts. In set 856 you say there are only 2 pieces 3008 yellow brick 1x8. If you build in a motor in this set you also need (...) (18 years ago, 6-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv)
  Re: peeron inventory
Hello Tim, I also own a 8851 and I do remember those parts are available in the set. You just need the set and the motorset to build in a motor into this model. So I guess John is quit right here. Greetings, Maico Arts Tim (Smith) schreef: (...) (18 years ago, 6-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv)
  365-1: Wild West Scene inside box and stickers
I was going to inventory this and found out that it is mint in box with the inside boxes not opened. I have submitted the sticker sheet picture and the baseboard picture. If anyone would like to see them now just email me and I will send them on. (...) (18 years ago, 6-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv)
  peeron inventory
854-1: Go-Kart: correct 8858-2: Engines I have two of these and they were somewhat different. All the bricks were from the same era and in rather good shape. 3040 b slope brick 45 2x1, one set had with center studs and one set had no center studs. (...) (18 years ago, 5-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv)
  Re: peeron inventory
(...) Rosco, you are correct. I just found the two in the couch, sorry. That means that the 856 should also have 10. John P (18 years ago, 5-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv) ! 
  Re: peeron inventory
(...) I count 4 on page 2 (URL) and 6 on page 4 (URL) (18 years ago, 4-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv)
  peeron inventory
apr 3 8848: correct 951-1: Bulldozer: 3010 yellow brick 1x4 should be 4 not 6 3008 yellow brick should be 2 not 4 3702 yellow technic brick 1x8 with holes should be 8 not 10 same set as 856 (18 years ago, 4-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv)
  peeron inventory
apr 3 8846: correct 951-1: Bulldozer: 3010 yellow brick 1x4 should be 4 not 6 3008 yellow brick should be 2 not 4 3702 yellow technic brick 1x8 with holes should be 8 not 10 same set as 856 (18 years ago, 4-Apr-07, to lugnet.inv)

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