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 Instructions / 686 (-5)
  Re: Philippe's Forklift Building Instructions
(...) Thanks. I have pleasure to make it and this is would be impossible without the work of Michael Lachmann (MLCAD), Lars C. Hassing (L3P) and your work.So thanks to you all. (and thanks to James' family) (...) No, when running, the right way for (...) (20 years ago, 7-Mar-05, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Philippe's Forklift Building Instructions
(...) Hi Didier, I wanted to compliment you on your building instructions. Very nice. Did you want the fork on the forklift to be at the top, instead of the bottom? If so, you can probably open the forklift part you used with MLCad. It is in (...) (20 years ago, 6-Mar-05, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Philippe's Forklift Building Instructions
(...) Hi Iain, I use the famous MLCAD / LPub (all links on ldraw website : (URL) to generate the pictures. Then I use Adobe PhotoShop (an old limited edition is sufficient) to create layout. (I like very much to use layers). I started to use these (...) (20 years ago, 6-Mar-05, to, lugnet.inst)
  Philippe's Forklift Building Instructions
A few months ago I made Alban's Forklift truck BI : (URL) It has inspired a MOC by Philippe, another three wheels forklift truck : (2 URLs) I thought it would be cool to have a BI for this one : you have recently seen it appears on BS (URL) About (...) (20 years ago, 6-Mar-05, to, lugnet.inst, lugnet.announce, FTX) !! 
  French BB63000 series diesel locomotives
Hi, The BB 63000 series diesel locomotives are famous in France. They have existed since 1953 and more than 800 have been constructed. More than 600 are still in use. These locomotives have four liveries : the older one is called "green livery" (...) (20 years ago, 1-Mar-05, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.inst, lugnet.trains)

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