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 Instructions / *457 (-10)
  Updates and Bug Fixes at BIP
After several weeks of work, I have updated the (URL) Building Instructions Portal > site with some minor bug fixes, major functionality rework, and new features: Completely overhauled the registration/login user management system to make the system (...) (22 years ago, 19-Jul-03, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.announce.biportal, FTX) ! 
  Re: PDF Instructions!
(...) (Cross-posting to lugnet.inst) Jake --- Jake McKee Webmaster - BIP (URL) (22 years ago, 17-Jul-03, to lugnet.publish, lugnet.inst)  
  Re: Farm Animals
(...) Looks like you got it worked out and posted on the BIP just fine! Good work! Jake -- Jake McKee Webmaster - BIP (URL) (22 years ago, 17-Jul-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.inst)
  A&M LWorks Presents a Andrzej M. Szlaga's Koef 3 Switcher Engine BIs
A&M LWorks is proud to present Andrzej M. Szlaga's Koef 3 Switcher Engine Building Instructions! This is a wonderful model and best of all it's *SO CUTE* (according to my wife). =) Without further adue you can get the BIs either in LDraw or Flash (...) (22 years ago, 16-Jul-03, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.cad, lugnet.announce,, lugnet.inst)
  BFD Engine 1 Instructions
Greetings! I'm pleased to announce that instructions for my new Engine 1 are now available for your building pleasure. They're available at the following links: BFD Engine 1 Page (click on the Instructions link) (URL) Page @ BI Portal (URL) word of (...) (22 years ago, 16-Jul-03, to, lugnet.inst)
  Re: Wanted: 8457 Power Puller Alternate Model Instructions
(...) Thanks for the response. I can't wait to build this. Dan. (22 years ago, 7-Jul-03, to lugnet.inst)
  Building instructions for USS Eggster
Hi all, Using the great LPub, I created full building instructions for my latest creation, the USS Eggster. See (URL) uses 2 Duplo Eggs as cockpits and is inspired by Star Trek ships. See: (URL) for more! PLMKWYT Jaco (22 years ago, 6-Jul-03, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Wanted: 8457 Power Puller Alternate Model Instructions
Hi Dan, Had the same problem; the official powerpuller site has gone. I googled and found a site with the instructions: (URL) on downloads, almost at the bottom you can download a pdf (13 Mb) of the alternate model. There are some other very nice (...) (22 years ago, 6-Jul-03, to lugnet.inst)
  New MOC: Snowspeeder
Hey guys, I've updated my site with my reworked Snowspeeder which you can see (URL) here>. (URL) Image and LDraw instructions are available through the page. Any feedback is welcome. Thanks a lot. (2 URLs) (Bruce) (URL) LEGO @ Bruce's Homepage> (22 years ago, 6-Jul-03, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.starwars,,, lugnet.inst, FTX)  
  Interview with a Sorting Bot on the "Daily Brick"
When I created little minions to help me clean and sort my work area, I had no idea the (URL) Bots> would become stars! Read the Daily Brick's Interveiw with a Sorting Bot on (2 URLs) Image Courtesy the Daily Brick & Eric Sophie Goto (URL)> (...) (22 years ago, 2-Jul-03, to lugnet.announce,, lugnet.inst,, FTX) ! 

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