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 Harry Potter / *1626 (-10)
  Re: HP sets to return?
(...) Last I heard, they had announced that they weren't planning to make any new sets this year (though they still have the license), which means there likely won't be any sets based on the upcoming movie. They are, however, having TT Games make a (...) (15 years ago, 2-Sep-09, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: HP sets to return?
(...) Hmm, I hadn't heard any such rumors, but it would make some sense to have some sets released in conjunction with the LEGO Harry Potter video game next year. Scott (15 years ago, 1-Sep-09, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: HP sets to return?
(...) I'd read that they were releasing another Lego Harry Potter videogame. I didn't read or hear about anyt new sets coming out, since the series has become darker. (15 years ago, 1-Sep-09, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  HP sets to return?
Anyone know anything about rumours of the return of Harry Potter sets? (15 years ago, 1-Sep-09, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: No new Harry potter LEGO sets for 2009
(...) If you want more on this from LEGO's point of view, I asked Steve Witt about Harry Potter LEGO a couple months back: (URL) (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: No new Harry potter LEGO sets for 2009
(...) Yeah, I had a feeling it was going that way. The first two movies produced a deluge of HP sets. The third came with a decent spread. The fourth had a handful, and the fifth only had a third Hogwarts, but not a lot of movie-specific sets. And (...) (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  No new Harry potter LEGO sets for 2009
No surprise here but confirmed by article at MuggleNet: "No Half-Blood Prince toys from LEGO this year Our friends at were at the 2009 New York City toy fair we told you about yesterday. While there, they had a chance to speak (...) (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Balrog v. Harry Potter
(...) I was hoping for the guy out of Streetfighter II settling Harry's hash! (17 years ago, 13-Feb-08, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: My theory on Snape
"Tony Hafner" <> wrote in message (...) Actually, I am surprised that, with Book 7 (and Movie 5) coming out in July, we have not seen more HP related MOCs. Admittedly, I must blame myself first, (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jun-07, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: My theory on Snape
(...) Oh, c'mon. Be realistic here. Just because he looks like a woman doesn't mean he actually is one. He could be a cross-dresser, or midway through transgender modifications. (17 years ago, 24-Jun-07, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)

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