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 Harry Potter / *1621 (-5)
  Re: No new Harry potter LEGO sets for 2009
(...) Yeah, I had a feeling it was going that way. The first two movies produced a deluge of HP sets. The third came with a decent spread. The fourth had a handful, and the fifth only had a third Hogwarts, but not a lot of movie-specific sets. And (...) (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  No new Harry potter LEGO sets for 2009
No surprise here but confirmed by article at MuggleNet: "No Half-Blood Prince toys from LEGO this year Our friends at were at the 2009 New York City toy fair we told you about yesterday. While there, they had a chance to speak (...) (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Balrog v. Harry Potter
(...) I was hoping for the guy out of Streetfighter II settling Harry's hash! (17 years ago, 13-Feb-08, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: My theory on Snape
"Tony Hafner" <> wrote in message (...) Actually, I am surprised that, with Book 7 (and Movie 5) coming out in July, we have not seen more HP related MOCs. Admittedly, I must blame myself first, (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jun-07, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: My theory on Snape
(...) Oh, c'mon. Be realistic here. Just because he looks like a woman doesn't mean he actually is one. He could be a cross-dresser, or midway through transgender modifications. (17 years ago, 24-Jun-07, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)

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