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 Harry Potter / *1375 (-5)
  Re: order of the phoenix, spoiler thread
(...) Hey Erick, I think that the fireplace in Umbridge's office could have a revolving door with Sirius head on one side and flames on the other. The Azkaban sets could be combined to make a giant Notre Dame castle\cathedral. I once started making (...) (21 years ago, 2-Jul-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: order of the phoenix, spoiler thread
(...) snip (...) Hmmm...if they decide to make them, it would be interesting to see firenze. It would be cool if they made the other one with the descending ladder too. (...) Seems like this might be a (yech) belville set. lots of pink and little (...) (21 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: order of the phoenix, spoiler thread
(...) I haven't read the book yet, but regarding the book 3 figs, do you think LEGO would produce the Dementors and Death Eaters? The theme is kinda morbid. And would they even attempt to use the term Death Eaters? I'll be curious to see how they (...) (21 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  order of the phoenix, spoiler thread
Hi all, Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. So I just (...) (21 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Spoiler!!!
(...) It could be worse-- you could be John Neal and I could have sent you the latest Hillary book! :D (...) No, just read it so we don't have to be subjected to any more LOTR/HP compare and contrast posts. Heck, read it as a study in popular (...) (21 years ago, 27-Jun-03, to lugnet.harrypotter,,, FTX)

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