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Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 19:04:41 GMT
2892 times
Steve Bliss <> wrote:
Once upon a time, "Jesse Long" <> wrote:

...  Right now Lugnet just isn't the place where
threads like "special boxes," "a female lego lover's rant" or "Lando
Calrissian" can thrive, and I like it that way.

But a lot of that is simply because most lugnet'ers have been around
RTL for awhile, and don't feel the need to rehash old arguments.

That may be true.  What is also true, though, is that there are
specific groups here for discussing specific things.  So if a nasty
discussion begins those people can always be encouraged to move it to
off-topic.debate and keep it out of the other groups.

I, for one, would like to see someone have the ability to MOVE
discussions to another group, but that might be bordering on the kind
of moderation Todd has to avoid for legal reasons.  Maybe he could
appoint other people to be topic police to further distance it and
make it semi-ok, who knows.

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
(...) Hey, I'M the topic police. No, seriously -- if a thread is getting out of hand and off-topic, a gentle reminder, or several, with followup-to set, should be sufficient. I don't see a need to retroactively relocate articles. (26 years ago, 30-Nov-98, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
(...) But a lot of that is simply because most lugnet'ers have been around RTL for awhile, and don't feel the need to rehash old arguments. Steve (26 years ago, 30-Nov-98, to lugnet.general)

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