Re: Should RTL be hosted on this server?
Sun, 29 Nov 1998 03:49:44 GMT
2810 times
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Todd Lehman writes:
> Hello Lugnetters,
> 5-? [Your thoughts here]
> --Todd
Personnaly it costs me little time and no money to maintain the status quo. I
am not a big fan of cross posting, so that feature has no appeal.
In general I believe that the potential negatives out weigh the upside. It
seems as though RTL is becoming more and more hostile and just a billboard area
for all of the ebay auctions.
Long live LUGNET
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Should RTL be hosted on this server?
| Hello Lugnetters, I need help making a very important decision regarding the NNTP server here, and I'd like to hear any opinions and random thoughts you might have. If RTL were hosted on this news server, would that clearly be a good thing, or a (...) (26 years ago, 29-Nov-98, to lugnet.general)
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