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Re: Do you know what this is?
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 16:06:28 GMT
899 times
dakershaw wrote:

In lugnet.general, Scott Arthur writes:
I scanned it, as I found it difficult to describe. After all, a picture is
worth a thousand words...

Thanks for your help

Scott A

It's a flexible connector used between carriages on the older train sets and
between cars & trailers. Before they had the push-in and magnetic couplings


Alan Kershaw

Alan is correct.  This piece came out in 1962 with LEGO Wheels.  I have a
European Wheel set #314 (from 1962) that has two of these.  They are a unique
piece in LEGO, in that they are not actually white or clear, but a sort of a
milky combination of white and clear.  There are a lot of these in later 1960's
sets.  And they only connect to LEGO on the top side.  You cannot connect them
to any LEGO on the bottom side of the piece.

Gary Istok

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Do you know what this is?
(...) It's a flexible connector used between carriages on the older train sets and between cars & trailers. Before they had the push-in and magnetic couplings Cheers Alan Kershaw (25 years ago, 15-Oct-99, to lugnet.general,

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