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Anyone that knows Excel.. (Or a Math Wizard)
Fri, 1 Oct 1999 22:48:01 GMT
449 times
This is I'm sure off topic for this group.. though I wanted to be sure I
got everyone who might know anything about Excel... Or a Math Wizard :)


I have a project that needs to be done in Excel for one of my classes...
I think the teacher is trying to torture us...  My not being good at
Math doesn't help this situation any either... much less we've only had
one section on Excel so far :(

What the project is... We have to track our grades for 4 sections of
Office97.. Word, Excel, Access and Powerpoint.. We are given 1000 points
for the semester for all our homework and tests, it works out to 300,
300, 300 and 100 for powerpoint... Exp... Of those 300 points for Word
80% or 96 points is for 2 parts of the homework... 20% or 24 points is
for the other part of our homework, and 180 points is for the test,
which then totals the 300 points. What we also need to be able to do is
chart how many points we need at any point to get an A in the class.. we
also need to be able to figure if it's not mathematically possibly (by
points) to get an A. ie. we screwed around too much :) I've been told we
need to use If statements and Vlookup.. neither of which I've had any
intro to... If statements look easy to me... Vlookup I haven't looked at
yet... If any of you math wizards out there can help me figure out the
math I'm sure I can do the rest of the project myself.. My Mom tried to
help me last night though she couldn't figure out the math.. and she's
an Engineer.. she's had all the math you can have :( I know it's
probably something simple we overlooked.. we are probably trying to go
about this the wrong way and making it harder than it needs to be..

Please e-mail me if you have any ideas so as not to tie up the newsgroup
with this as I'm sure it's way off topic... Sorry about that Todd ;)

<who could probably easily write this in Visual Basic till she got to
the math :)>

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Anyone that knows Excel.. (Or a Math Wizard)
(...) Please don't post things like this to lugnet.general. There's a group for things like this. --Todd (25 years ago, 2-Oct-99, to lugnet.general)

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