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 General / 5705
  Re: Next destination for Adventurers?
I agree that if the Adventurers line continues it would make sense that they head to the ruins of southeast Asia. What about a place like Atlantis, though? Perhaps the pursuit of the Holy Grail and the return of Castle sets? Maybe the search for (...) (26 years ago, 21-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Next destination for Adventurers?
I say the Artic. Why? At LEGOLand parks there is an attraction, the Adventurers Club, where you travel through first Egypt, then the Amazon, and then the Artic. (26 years ago, 21-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Next destination for Adventurers?
(...) I'd love a minifig scale walrus and polar bear! And "furry" minifig parkas. Any round bricks for igloos, or do we get white BURPs? -Tom McD. when replying, the big underground ball in "Indiana Jones" was made with spamcake. (26 years ago, 21-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)

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