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Re: S@H Catalog
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 06:34:20 GMT
1107 times
I don't think US S@H typically mails to OZ, which is where Harro is.

I hope somebody decides to take Harro up on this, else I'll get
roped/shamed into doing it for him (he's my FIRST factoree.. but I've
been blowing him off on this request as I know I'd do a lousy job at

Christopher Masi wrote:

I do not have the number handy, but couldn't you call and get on LEGO's
mailing list? I do not remember how I got on the list. I guess I must have
ordered something from a catalogue that comes with the LEGO sets.


Mark Harrison wrote:

Hi All,

Would anyone be prepared to obtain a second copy of this catalog and
post it to me each time it comes out, I'd be happy to reimburse the kind
soul for his/her efforts.


Mark H.

Larry Pieniazek
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fund Lugnet(tm): Member ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to

NOTE: I have left CTP, effective 18 June 99, and my CTP email
will not work after then. Please switch to my Novera ID.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: S@H Catalog
Woops! Sorry, I missed the "au" at the end of his address. Sometimes my wife and I both get copies; if I get a second copy I'll let you know. Would you like the January catalogue? I have a few of these from the orders I received earlier this year. (...) (26 years ago, 15-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: S@H Catalog
I do not have the number handy, but couldn't you call and get on LEGO's mailing list? I do not remember how I got on the list. I guess I must have ordered something from a catalogue that comes with the LEGO sets. Chris (...) (26 years ago, 14-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)

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