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 General / 55464
  Displaying at a Non-LEGO show
So, this past weekend at Brickworld I was approached to have my creations displayed at a non-LEGO show. No details have been shared yet, but I don't want to be caught flat footed if asked how much I charge. How does one go about figuring out how (...) (15 years ago, 21-Jun-10, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Displaying at a Non-LEGO show
(...) M>ltc has displayed a layout at the Fun 4 Kids show (URL) every year. It's about 4 hours drive. They pay us an agreed flat rate (no mileage) plus overnight accommodation for both setup & tear-down (the show runs for a week). Hope this helps. (...) (15 years ago, 22-Jun-10, to lugnet.general)

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