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Re: New sets at TRU
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 01:11:02 GMT
595 times
Mark Harrison wrote:

I was looking at the lego range at my local tru and noticed 8 new little
sets. Set numbers 1180 to 1187.

Were these promo sets for somthing?

The Adventurers and Ninja sets look like they are the same as the ones
released with the Kobaya candy in Japan.

I was all excited until I realized you were in OZ. :/

J, hoping they come to America...

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  New sets at TRU
I was looking at the lego range at my local tru and noticed 8 new little sets. Set numbers 1180 to 1187. Were these promo sets for somthing? Mark H. (25 years ago, 12-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)

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