Re: New sets at TRU
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 01:11:02 GMT
595 times
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Mark Harrison wrote:
> I was looking at the lego range at my local tru and noticed 8 new little
> sets. Set numbers 1180 to 1187.
> Were these promo sets for somthing?
The Adventurers and Ninja sets look like they are the same as the ones
released with the Kobaya candy in Japan.
I was all excited until I realized you were in OZ. :/
J, hoping they come to America...
Message is in Reply To:
| | New sets at TRU
| I was looking at the lego range at my local tru and noticed 8 new little sets. Set numbers 1180 to 1187. Were these promo sets for somthing? Mark H. (25 years ago, 12-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)
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