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Re: Latest Shop at Home Catalog
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 23:08:59 GMT
753 times
In lugnet.general, Jeff Stembel writes:
Well, I haven't seen any messages about the Latest (Summer?) S@H Catalog, So
maybe I'm the first to get one?  :)

Anyways, it has lots of new stuff, like all the Starwars sets, the new "Fairy
Tale" Belville sets (They don't have the new accessory pack tho), the two new
Model Team Sets (Drag Racer and Semi Truck Racer),the New Technic Sets (Super
Car II, etc.), and some new Mindstorms stuff.  I don't have the catalog with • me
now (Stupid me, forgot it at home), but I do remember that the RCX and all the
old sensors can be ordered, including the rotation sensor and the tempurature
sensor.  The also have the Droid Development Kit, and the "Scout" Brick has a
built-in Light sensor, motor, and 7? separate programs.  I'll try to stop by • my
house at lunch to pick it up.

Mine came last Friday. I've been studying it for pieces/parts. The back page
mentions "L3G0" (as an alternate droid for the Droid Developer) - I've already
contacted Paul Gyugi about this. Maybe he already knew though.

- "She attacked right in the middle of your monologue!"

I hate it when that happens!

-Tom McD.
when replying, **Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your
daily values may be higher or lower depending on your spamcake needs.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Latest Shop at Home Catalog
(...) It is called L-3G0 instead of L3G0. I tink that this proves that TLG does indeed view pther peoples' pages. Greg (URL) (...) (26 years ago, 14-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Latest Shop at Home Catalog
(...) Now, try to identify what that quote is from. :) I love using obscure quotes. Aren't I evil? ;) Jeff - "She attacked right in the middle of your spamcake lunch!" (26 years ago, 14-Jul-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Latest Shop at Home Catalog
Well, I haven't seen any messages about the Latest (Summer?) S@H Catalog, So maybe I'm the first to get one? :) Anyways, it has lots of new stuff, like all the Starwars sets, the new "Fairy Tale" Belville sets (They don't have the new accessory pack (...) (26 years ago, 13-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)

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