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Re: LEGOFan Lives, and wants your feedback
Wed, 4 Apr 2007 22:19:42 GMT
3271 times
In lugnet.general, Bruce Hietbrink wrote:
   Hey Kelly,

To me, we need two things: 2. A massive, user-updatable database of links for everyone else. I’d say you should find a way to partner with Klas Schöldström and his Wiki-Brick-Links

That’s definitely an option.

   he’d like to tie in the concept of ILENN (, another site of mine)

BTW, Kelly, the newsfeed seems to be down. Every time I go to ILENN I get the following gobbledygook: ----


Hmm, looks like a host issue, I’ll try to get that taken care of this evening. Thanks for letting me know.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGOFan Lives, and wants your feedback
Hey Kelly, To me, we need two things: 1. Some kind of guide to "where to go first" for new AFOLs (pointers to main community sites, Brickshelf, Flickr, Bricklink etc) 2. A massive, user-updatable database of links for everyone else. I'd say you (...) (18 years ago, 4-Apr-07, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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