Re: Old lamp post from the 60'ies
Wed, 23 Aug 2006 16:39:52 GMT
2031 times
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Sonnich Jensen wrote:
> I got an old steer lamp post from the 60'ies, from the time when Lego
> made small cars too. I only have the post, no idea what has been on
> top of it.
> It is silver, but looks like red plastic under the colour, and is in
> good condition with a clear lego sign under it (old lego logo).
> Is this on Peeron?
> Is it worth anything?
> Anyone wants this?
Do you mean the 'Streetlight Old' ?
I have four of those, still intact, from my childhood, although the cars are
long gone. I have no idea if they are worth anything, there are no (obvious)
on sale at BrickLink.
Anders Isaksson, Sweden
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Old lamp post from the 60'ies
| (...) Clicking on the link makes my computer crash, but searching for it works. (...) This looks like it, but then mine is broken - I only have the post, not the lamp on top. Studying showed, that it might be broken, or intended for something else (...) (19 years ago, 23-Aug-06, to lugnet.general)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Old lamp post from the 60'ies
| Hi all! I got an old steer lamp post from the 60'ies, from the time when Lego made small cars too. I only have the post, no idea what has been on top of it. It is silver, but looks like red plastic under the colour, and is in good condition with a (...) (19 years ago, 23-Aug-06, to lugnet.general)
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