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 General / 52885
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Re: removing black marker from transparent pieces-CLEANING
Wed, 9 Aug 2006 01:59:37 GMT
2322 times
In lugnet.general, Bob Kojima wrote:
Break fluid works great.  swab a little bit on with a cue tip.  let stand for a
few minutes then wipe off.


Thanks for the suggestion, Bob.  The brake fluid worked! It even removed the
cloudiness caused by trying out the hairspray for removal.

(I didn't have a dry erase marker so I couldn't try that method.)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: removing black marker from transparent pieces
Break fluid works great. swab a little bit on with a cue tip. let stand for a few minutes then wipe off. bob (18 years ago, 7-Aug-06, to lugnet.general)

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