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Re: frustrates me
Sat, 17 Sep 2005 00:54:40 GMT
1339 times
Joe Meno wrote:
In lugnet.general, Christopher Masi wrote: frustrates me

2. My previews do not look like my posts. When I reply to a post using
the "quote" button, the following odd behavior occurs. In my preview,
the quote is formatted correctly, but there are no line breaks in my
response. When I post the message, the quoted area does not look right
(it has <br/> tags in it) and my response is formatted correctly. Go
figure... I thought a preview was a preview :)

I had that problem with my browser too, and it took me three browsers to get the
proper preview...I now use Firefox. This is by no means meant to be a solution,
but just a little insight. There will be an update to the forums, but that will
take some time.

Super, thanks Joe. The fora do seem to behave better with FireFox than
with Safari :)

Try admin (at) brickjournal (dot) com ,

Well, I don't need to bother anyone now, since you just solved my
problem :) but I'll store this e-mail address away for safe keeping.

title line: LFan - that is a problem

Huh? "Title line: LFan"? What does that mean?

"That is a problem" the bouncing or that I seem incapable of finding an
e-mail address, which, admittedly, could totally be my problem :)

that has been noticed, but has been much more complicated in solving than it

Joe Meno
Ed/Pub, BrickJournal
LEGOFan Press Secretary

[...] blather on [...]


That really is a good description of what I do... isn't it :)



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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: frustrates me
In lugnet.general, Christopher Masi wrote: (snip) (...) It took me a week to figure what was wrong, so I feel your pain! (...) bad line break there - if you send a note to the brickjournal address, give it a title in the subject line. (...) The (...) (19 years ago, 17-Sep-05, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: frustrates me
(...) Both Ronny and Mark are aware of the posts, however, it should be noted that they are still involved in the launch of LDD, not only to this community, but to the public at large. I know that they both are busy presenting LDD in various places, (...) (19 years ago, 16-Sep-05, to lugnet.general)

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