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1962 Department Store Lego Christmas Display
Wed, 10 Aug 2005 02:19:26 GMT
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647 times

At Christmas 1962, this photo was taken at Detroit's J.L. Hudson's Department
Store, which was the 2nd largest department store in the world (after New York's
Macy's store).  This store window display shows the Samsonite Lego series of
set, as well as models that the Billund model shop made up for USA Samsonite.
This historic photo will be one of many in my Lego CD.

An interesting side note, this 2.2 million square foot store was demolished in
1998 in the largest building implosion ever.  Cable TV shows that show building
demolitions always include the Hudson's implosion.  Today other Hudson's stores
have been renamed Marshall Field's, and the Hudson company is part of the Target
corporation today.

Gary Istok

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: 1962 Department Store Lego Christmas Display
(...) That's a great picture! I was wondering what sort of photos you'd have in your book. Now I'm even more anxious to read it. :) Regards, Allan B. (19 years ago, 10-Aug-05, to lugnet.general)
  Re: 1962 Department Store Lego Christmas Display
I really like the slogan: "A toy for today and tomorrow" Truer words. . . Dave S. "Gary Istok" <> wrote in message (...) (19 years ago, 10-Aug-05, to lugnet.general)

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