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Re: MegaBloks
lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general, lugnet.pirates
Mon, 4 Jul 2005 03:40:14 GMT
115 times
In lugnet.dear-lego, Kirby Warden wrote:
I'll admit that Megabloks look really cool on the shelf.  But I have to question
a really cool looking Pirate ship or castle w/ dragon when there's only a
hundred pcs or so.

Surely you include LEGO's new "Lil' Pirates" line, or whatever it's called, in
your critique?  One of the new Pirates Jr. ships has only 140 pieces.

I look at the boxes and see a LOT of juniorization.  And talk
about color problems!!  There's so many multi-hued pcs and graphics it's
somewhat overwhelming.

You're showing your age, Kirby!  I don't think that multi-hued pics and graphics
bother kids as much as you might think.  If they did, Japanese animation would
disappear, and most action figure lines would vanish as well.

The Lego Vikings are certainly interesting, but their pushing it with the
strange "realistic" paint.  I'm very glad to see that the beasts are multi-pc
constructions rather than molds.

While the Megabloks Dragons are great to look at, I would much prefer Lego use
their new hinge pcs and design multi-pc constructions that actually need to be

I'm less awed by a piece-built figure that, in the end, sort of almost looks
like what it's trying to be, if you blur your eyes.  If the figs and monsters
are poseable and work alongside basic bricks, that's enough for me.  YMMV, of

I respect you descision, but I have to question the logic behind it.  Megabloks
themes offer very little for building.  They make nice playsets, but when the
largest set in theme has about a hundred pcs, can it really be that much better?

Well, give it time--the series was just launched in the past three weeks or so.
Bionicle looked like the dumbest thing ever, until it took off.  And whatever
happened to Galidor?

It's hard to predict how the toy market will behave, but I think that Richard's
defection will not be the last.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MegaBloks
(...) I try not to aknowledge the Junior line. Though I have bought some Junior sets at deep discount for some chrome pcs and out of curiosity as to what I might be able to do with some of the parts. Most of the pcs went to my kids who gleefully (...) (20 years ago, 4-Jul-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MegaBloks
I'll admit that Megabloks look really cool on the shelf. But I have to question a really cool looking Pirate ship or castle w/ dragon when there's only a hundred pcs or so. I look at the boxes and see a LOT of juniorization. And talk about color (...) (20 years ago, 3-Jul-05, to lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general, lugnet.pirates)

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