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 Dear LEGO / 5296
5295  |  5297
Re: MegaBloks
lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.castle
Mon, 4 Jul 2005 17:27:04 GMT
14737 times
In lugnet.dear-lego, Benjamin Ellermann wrote:
In lugnet.dear-lego, Richard Noeckel wrote:


For me, the Viking line was a breath of fresh air.. but from what I heard it’s been held
back from N. America indefinitely?

According to Jake, Vikings will be available from Shop at Home in North America.
These sets just became available on many European SAH's and will probably be at
US SAH soon.  I do agree that not releasing the sets in NA is stupid because
kids here would like them.  Dino Attack will also be popular.  Its too bad
stores can't have both.


Yah, but i was wondering, or secretly hopping that it'd reach mass retail in the
U.S. and Canada!

I recall now that it might have been pushed back a year in our market...

What i'd really like are some definitive answers regarding product availability.

Thanks though,


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MegaBloks
In lugnet.dear-lego, Richard Noeckel wrote: snip (...) According to Jake, Vikings will be available from Shop at Home in North America. These sets just became available on many European SAH's and will probably be at US SAH soon. I do agree that not (...) (19 years ago, 4-Jul-05, to lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general, lugnet.pirates)

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