Re: Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise.
lugnet.general, lugnet.castle
Sun, 31 Oct 2004 15:11:47 GMT
3156 times
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In lugnet.general, Johannes Koehler wrote:
Because I am not pagan but Lutheran Im not celebrating Halloween but
Reformation Day. Thats the day when we commemorate the start of the so
called Reformation that began with Dr. Martin Luther nailing 95 theses
against the practice of indulgence to the door of the Schlosskirche in
Wittenberg on October 31th anno 1517.
After he did that he got some trouble with the Pope in Rome for His Holiness
didnt like too much what Luther sermonised against some essential usages to
encash money for the church. So Luther was labeled heretic and
excommunicated unless he recanted his scripts. Also the emperor of the Holy
Roman Empire, Charles V., catholic himself of course and in his capacity as
Roman Emperor protector of the Christendom, was not willing to let either the
troups of Süleyman the Magnificent nor some monk from Wittenberg to imperil
the unity of the Holy Catholic Church. So he aimed to simply impose the Ban
of the Empire against Luther. But Luthers own souvereign, Frederic the Wise,
Elector of Saxony, persuaded the emperor to give Luther the chance to defend
himself before any imperial verdict against him. Frederic even more wanted to
obviate the emperor to hand over Luther to the Inquisition because that was a
byword for a death sentence and because as a German it was Luthers right to
be protected against any tribunal outside of his own country. Furthermore the
emperor had to grant safe conduct to and from the trial. So Charles summoned
Luther to the Imperial Diet of Worms:
Beautiful work - Luther
throwing the
inkwell at the devil is great!
I think religious themes are underrepresented in Castle building, and Im glad
to see someone doing such great work in the area. Keep it up!
Marc Nelson Jr.
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