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 General / 48433
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Re: A fan no more
Tue, 13 Jul 2004 01:10:12 GMT
7379 times
Purple Dave wrote:
Stud free Technic liftarm is {almost} useless when you want to use other
(non-Technic) studded parts.

The newer TECHNIC sets get around that problem by not using non-TECHNIC parts.
If there aren't any basic bricks in the set, there's no reason to include
TECHNIC bricks to interface with them for that set.  And while a few sets are
released with the specific intent of directly interacting with one or more other
assembled sets (the three Jabba sets, the various Hogwarts sets, and the
Exo-Toa/Tahu), they're still designed as stand-alone sets.  If a specific part
isn't included in the set, the set isn't designed with that specific piece in
mind.  In general the TECHNIC system is compatible with the basic System bricks,
just like in general the basic bricks are compatible with the DUPLO system.

Yes, and that's my whole point. Technic _was_ part of the System and
it's not anymore. It's more Znap than System and that's what I (and
probably some others) don't like.

So, to turn your argument on its ear, you're complaining that the modern TECHNIC
system is too advanced compared to the old-style TECHNIC/System meld

You misread what I wrote. Modern Technic is cumbersome, not advanced in
my eyes.

in spite
of the fact that kids have made BIONICLE the top selling theme, and the Racers
theme is another one of the biggest sellers with the younger crowd, while the
Inventor series hasn't seen any new sets in 2004.

Don't you want to pretend that primitive Bionicle / Racers sets have
something in common with advanced Technic build? Except for 3 large
formulas (at least 2 of them use studded) there's nothing that backs
your arguments here.

Bionicle is simply stuff for masses. Questioning the quality by quantity
is stupid.

I'm noticing quite a few stud-free liftarms and such in that 8479, especially
for the moving parts.  Are you sure you want to use that as your example?

Yes. I wrote that multiple times - I have nothing against studless
beams, but I don't like studless sets. Look at its chassis. Look at all
the functionality. You're simply not going to mimic that in studless
(not to mention there are not yet the studless motors).

The blue tow truck?  Have you actually tried it out, or are you just going by
visual impression?

I'm not going to buy it or even try it, it's ugly. Technic fairings are
pathetic and completely unusable parts.

If stores won't buy them, they can't afford to dump as much money into producing
them.  The Rebel Blockade Runner and ISD models were released as S@H exclusives
because they honestly didn't think they'd sell well enough to be worth
marketting to stores.  In this day and age, if they did make old-style TECHNIC
sets, the medium/large ones would probably all have to be S@H exclusives, which
really cuts into how much value there is in producing an old-style sub-group in
the first place.

I'm not getting your argument here. There are giving us worse models
with less functionality. It's no wonder they're cheaper. If they wanted
even cheaper models, they shouldn't switch the Technic->Znap2 (ie New
Technic) system at all.

8479 was $164 in 1997 (1263 parts, large, lots of functions). 8455 was
$100 in 2003 (703 parts, small, wiggly, less functions)

Jindroush <>
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A fan no more
(...) Not true. I've been collecting since the days of the maxifigs and non-articulated minifigs. Yes, I've found a new degree of freedom in the BIONICLE series that wasn't present before, but I do still build with basic bricks. I've just never done (...) (21 years ago, 12-Jul-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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