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Re: A fan no more
Sun, 11 Jul 2004 21:11:01 GMT
6433 times
In lugnet.general, Jindrich Kubec wrote:
Purple Dave wrote:
I don't think that anybody argues on usefulness of studless beams.

I do.  Orion does.  Heck, Kevin's pretty much the poster-child for what can be
accomplished with stud-free construction.

Hey, this is a my clumsy pidgin, sorry, I'll try to reiterate ;-)

I just wanted to say that most people admit that studless beams may be
useful sometimes and that people are usually not against studless beams,
but against studless sets. For example I'm against studless sets = I
don't buy them (no matter if it's Znap, Bionicle or 'new' Technic).


  Just like you, I hope to see *more* studded/studless mixed sets in Technic's

  Last year at BrickfestDC, I asked Brad Justice what kind of training was
needed that would help me get hired by LEGO as a Technic builder.  He responded
that set designers at LEGO do not just focus on one product line.  So there is
no-one at LEGO that just does Technic.  I don't think this bodes well for the
Technic line.  While the new models are more aesthetically pleasing (IMNSHO)
because they lack studs, they are in fact less rigid and sturdy.

  Also there have not been very many large innovations in steering or other
mechanisms in Technic sets in the last five years.  Maybe I'm jaded though,
because I see so many wonderful models and innovations here and on brickshelf.
We as an AFOL community push the envelope on designs using technic parts much
harder than LEGO does.

  Too bad they don't pay more attention to the innovations made available here
and fold them into new designs.  Too bad that LEGO designers cannot focus on
particular product lines, making them better through successive refinement.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A fan no more
(...) Hi Jindrich, For me, your statement read as you meant it. Everyone can see usefulness of studdless beams. I've been pondering this studded/studless discussion for a while now, and I think I understand my handicap. There are two technic (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jul-04, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A fan no more
(...) Hey, this is a my clumsy pidgin, sorry, I'll try to reiterate ;-) I just wanted to say that most people admit that studless beams may be useful sometimes and that people are usually not against studless beams, but against studless sets. For (...) (21 years ago, 11-Jul-04, to lugnet.general)

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