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 General / 47070
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Re: Name that comic!
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 18:52:34 GMT
1628 times
In lugnet.general, Derek Raycraft wrote:

"Lego, it's not just for kids"

Ooooh I like that one!  But put the subtitle too.

"LEGO, It's Not Just For Kids: The AFOL Truth"



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Name that comic!
(...) > (...) Don't make me get out the fat pencils and crayons to explain this to you. (...) This one's not bad. I'd drop the "anymore" because this has always been the case. "Lego, it's not just for kids" Derek (21 years ago, 22-Apr-04, to lugnet.general,

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