This week the FIRST LEGO League National Championships were held in Atlanta at
the Georgia Dome (home of the Atlanta Falcons). So since the event was in my
backyard I figured it would be fun to see what the event was all about. I got a
position as a technical judge for the teams, which meant that I and a group of
five other judges had to look a the 48 best FLL teams in the country and try and
figure out who was the best technically based on innovation, robustness and
quality of programming. This was not an easy task, these kids really knew their
stuff and did a great job.
The event was held on the playing field of the Georgia Dome, the judges rooms
where the visiting team locker rooms in the Dome. I've seen many games and
events at the Georgia Dome but have never been on the playing field or had the
chance to see the "behind the scenes" down below. Now I can say I've spend two
days in the bottom of the Dome.
After we met with the teams individually on the first day, we spend the second
day on the field with the teams watching them in action. The crowds where great
and the entire hall was full of cheering all day long, it became a bit deafening
after awhile.
I will say that I learned a lot about the FLL and the people behind it. I can
see how the program can be come very addictive and I do plan on working more
with the local FLL group here in the Georgia area.