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 General / 46977
  Re: New flesh tone mini-figs.....WTF?!?!
(...) I love them, bid the old, jaundiced Minifigs adieu, and will buy/trade 3 Oldies for 1 fleshie anytime any place... (...) Sounds like a move that would really anger AFOLs.... so probably;-) JOHN (21 years ago, 12-Apr-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: New flesh tone mini-figs
(...) John, If that means you'd be willing to trade away three (3) of your yellow minifigs for each one (1) flesh-tone minifig of someone else's, we might need to talk later on... (Once these new "flesh-tone" 'figs are released, that is. ;) Franklin (21 years ago, 12-Apr-04, to lugnet.general,
  Re: New flesh tone mini-figs
(...) Gladly! I've got 1,000s to unload! JOHN (21 years ago, 12-Apr-04, to, FTX)

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