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Re: New homepage for LUGNET
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish.html, lugnet.general
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 23:57:04 GMT
84 times
Tim Courtney wrote:
I don't see how a bunch of people could make 'better' decisions than a few,
though I do see your point about it being faster.

In the clear cases, there is no argue that they could get as good
results as few admins.
In the 'grey' cases, the voting of more people can make the result to
represent the majority opinion, which may not be the case of few admins.

And what about how to control people who want to come in and raise havoc by
deleting links maliciously?

It has to be an iterative mechanism, no individidual would have enough
power to do that.

Just because it hasn't happened, doesn't mean it couldn't happen or won't
happen. Historically, we've had a handful of people who have seriously abused
LUGNET. I do not want to give them the opportunity to set up a subdomain
redirect and malign it by appearing a part of the LUGNET domain.

If it could be set, it could be also removed.

This is the same solution, but it's _much_ easier to remember/use. (Of
course would do, but it's longer, is imo too cumbersome).

You win on that one :-)

Of course, I've just implemented such stuff recently on my webfarm ;-))

Jindroush Webfarmer <>
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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New homepage for LUGNET
(...) I'd rather see the link directory be well architected than reflect majority opinion. This would require a few thoughtful, knowledgeable, and fair people to give a little bit of time to maintaining it. This isn't voting on major policy here, we (...) (21 years ago, 23-Feb-04, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish.html, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New homepage for LUGNET
(...) Why frame this negatively with the words 'power centralization?' Think ... what 'power' would link administrators have? Approve/reject links to be made public. Its in the best interest of creating a comprehensive directory to link to as many (...) (21 years ago, 22-Feb-04, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.publish.html, lugnet.general)

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