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Re: A tale of intrigue, a tale of two bogies
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Sun, 8 Feb 2004 04:27:29 GMT
94 times
In, David Laswell wrote:

   Knowing how rare Monorail parts have gotten, I hoped to repair the bogie if possible, so I asked on the MichLUG list if anyone had a broken one that I could scrounge an axle from, but noone did. Chris suggested calling Consumer Affairs, which was going to be my last resort. I figured it couldn’t hurt, so I gave them a call. Oh yeah, that part on the right? That’s the free replacement that they sent me! Yes, it seems that they still have a few odd replacement Monorail parts floating around.

Neat bit of info.

While your replacement request was legit, Dave, I do hope that the people reading this post have the integrity not to take advantage of these parts meant as replacements, not freebies.

I hope we don’t see brand new monorail bogies showing up on BrickLink - that would be a disappointment.


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  A tale of intrigue, a tale of two bogies
I recently came up with a really cool idea for a Monorail train, but I didn't have any Monorail parts (well, I also didn't have most of the other parts I needed, but they should be on the way shortly). I bought a motor, a pair of sleds, and a pair (...) (21 years ago, 8-Feb-04, to, lugnet.general, FTX)

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