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 General / 4449
4448  |  4450
Re: Rock Raiders out in Tx
Wed, 2 Jun 1999 03:57:11 GMT
677 times
It looks like the catalog possibly had a misprint as I've seen 4950, not
4959. Lego's web catalog also lists 4950 as being in the US, and does not
have 4959.


In article <>, "Jason Fabisch"
<> wrote:

In lugnet.general, Alan G. Carmack writes:
Saw five different Rock Raider sets at a TRU.  Bought the Rock Dozer for my 3
1/2 year old: has bulldozer plow piece and brown rock monster.  Wouldn't touch
this theme except for my youngster.

Lawrenceville NJ TRU.  Saw 2 small rock raider sets, 36-39 pieces each, and • the
Chrome Crusher.  16x pieces for 30 bucks was a little too steep for me.  This
was about 2 weeks ago.  Last weekend I went back and they had the Loader • Dozer.
20 bucks and not too many pieces.  Looks like your paying for the Rock monster
and the dozer part and canopy.  Waiting to take a look at the bigger ship and
the base.

Jason F.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Rock Raiders out in Tx
(...) Lawrenceville NJ TRU. Saw 2 small rock raider sets, 36-39 pieces each, and the Chrome Crusher. 16x pieces for 30 bucks was a little too steep for me. This was about 2 weeks ago. Last weekend I went back and they had the Loader Dozer. 20 bucks (...) (26 years ago, 2-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)

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