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Re: It's so very cold in space... so very cold --or-- Jackets, just in time for the winter!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Tue, 9 Dec 2003 23:22:47 GMT
91 times
In, Anthony Sava wrote:
   Hey guys,




The Kingdom of Ikros

Great work AGAIN! I had meant to ask you before when you did the classic space torsos if yo had thought of doing this new torso; i see you have. i like the closed jacket, & was hoping lego would do one. without the zippers, or with lines as fabric slit covered zippers, this reminds me of Star Trek Enterprise jumpsuits. the half color theme is very classy, too.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: It's so very cold in space... so very cold --or-- Jackets, just in time for the winter!
(...) It took me a bit, but here's my take(s): ST Enterprise look: (2 URLs) more futuristic look: (2 URLs) I'll try to do at least red, yellow, green, black, & gray if there's interest. Enjoy! Jeff (21 years ago, 10-Dec-03, to, lugnet.general, FTX)

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  It's so very cold in space... so very cold --or-- Jackets, just in time for the winter!
Hey guys, I'm sure y'all remember this little guy: (URL) Well, after making my Classic Space Torso stickers: (URL) I decided to do the new one. So I did. And in my signature 10 color variations. These stickers, 295 pixels wide, are designed to be (...) (21 years ago, 9-Dec-03, to, lugnet.general, FTX)  

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