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Re: Lego Road Show: the Prequel
Tue, 24 Jun 2003 02:51:58 GMT
1704 times
In lugnet.announce, David Eaton wrote:
   This weekend, however, they held a ‘pre’ event at their US headquarters in Enfield to get a feel for the flow of the road show. They invited Lego employees, their families, AND us! (being NELUG).

   All in all, a most entertaining event-- despite scattered rain, we had a great time, met slews of Lego employees, and got to take a gander at the Lego grounds themselves :)


Thank you, Dan, Jennifer, and Travis for the numerous photos and sharing the unique experience. I’m so sorry your AT-AT bit the dust. You can rebuild him without too much hassle, right?!
I have to echo Brendan Powell Smith in that the medieval scene is fantastic. Excellent job on the terrain and overall landscape. I really like the water creature (reminiscent of the creature near the Mines of Moria) and the skeletal dragon is incredible! Utilizing the “handheld sign” to the minifig “shoulder pads” was so creative. Also, the wagon and corn designs are nifty.

Thanks again,



Message is in Reply To:
  Lego Road Show: the Prequel
As I'm sure many of you know, Lego's planning a tour of about 20 major cities across the US this summer: (URL) in case you didn't know, they've also asked a bunch of local LUG groups to help out at these shows by showing up with their own creations (...) (22 years ago, 22-Jun-03, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,,, !! 

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