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Re: Some Questions For TCLUG...
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Sun, 8 Jun 2003 02:12:40 GMT
130 times
Nathan Wells <> wrote:

Hi all,

After < finding out> there is a LUG
group near St. Cloud (TCLUG), I have a few questions:

Hello Nathan,

My name is Erik Knopp, I belong to TCLUG and will try to answer your

1) When was TCLUG formed?

I'm not sure about this, will have to look into it.

2) Why is there no newsgroup for TCLUG?

There is, <>, we haven't made use of
it, yet.

We've been using a Yahoo list <> for
our communication.

3) Can Members join for free?


4) How often do you meet?

We try to meet once a month. (It's looking like our next meeting will be
on Saturday, 21 June.)

5) Where do you meet?

At the home of one of our members.

6) Do you do group events/builds like a Moonbase Project, Medieval Marketplace
or a round of Brikwars?

We are starting to do group projects, and have done brikwars sessions.

Thanks in advance,

Your welcome,

Erik L. Knopp
LUGNET member #61

Message is in Reply To:
  Some Questions For TCLUG...
Hi all, After (URL) finding out> there is a LUG group near St. Cloud (TCLUG), I have a few questions: 1) When was TCLUG formed? 2) Why is there no newsgroup for TCLUG? 3) Can Members join for free? 4) How often do you meet? 5) Where do you meet? 6) (...) (22 years ago, 8-Jun-03, to, lugnet.general, FTX)

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