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 General / 41818
41817  |  41819
Re: A little bit of questions...
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 21:21:08 GMT
484 times
In lugnet.general, David Simmons writes:

If cost is an issue, you can always sign up for a Brickshelf
account.  You don't have as much control over the visual format, but you can
at least share pictures of your creations with the rest of us!

One *can* get visual control-- get that Brickshelf account, and then sign up at to create your own web pages *easily*
and it's all *free* (but consider making a donation to each service).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A little bit of questions...
Hi Matt, I don't know of a free HTML program. I used CuteHTML and CuteFTP from GlobalSCAPE ((URL) to build and upload my pages. The programs are easy to use, especially if you have next to no programming experience. A friend of mine loaned me a book (...) (22 years ago, 12-Apr-03, to lugnet.general)

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